
  • 專輯:提升效率古典BGM:大提琴.鋼琴.室內樂 (Classical Music For Studying)
  • 發行:2020-11-08
  • 演唱:古典BGM
作詞:secret garden 作曲:secret garden

Lonely swan on the silver lake.
You are drifting alone.
Oh, you know how a heart can break,
When love has flown.
When to some distant ocean crossed,
Some mysterious sea.
Though a lover be ever lost,
Love cannot be.
Silver swan by the shore,
Lift your wings up and fly;
Will you wait evermore
Let life pass you by?
You belong to the sun,
You belong to the sky,
You have more than one song
To sing before you die.
To the edge of the moon you’ll go,
I would fly there with you
Where the tides of heaven flow,
Above the blue.
You are destined for higher ground,
Not to linger with me.
To the earth I am ever bound,
We belong to the sun.
We belong to the sky.
We have more than one song
To sing before we die
We have more than one song
To sing before we die



