Pool Party

  • 專輯:Summer Queen
  • 發行:2021-06-17
  • 演唱:Brave girls
作詞: 作曲:

I took a pill in Ibiza 我在Ibiza嗑了藥
To show Avicii I was cool 只為了向Avicii證明我很酷
And when I finally got sober, felt 10 years older 當我好不容易清醒之後,感覺像是老了10歲
But fuck it, it was something to do 算了不管,還有好多事等著我去做
I'm living out in LA 我住在洛衫磯郊外
I drive a sports car just to prove 我開跑車只是為了炫耀
I'm a real big baller cause I made a million dollars 我是個大咖,財富滾滾來
And I spend it on girls and shoes 女人和鞋子滿天飛
But you don't wanna be high like me 但你不會想變的和我一樣
Never really knowing why like me 真的不知道為什麼會想過著和我一樣的生活
You don't ever wanna step off that roller coaster and be all alone 你永遠不會想嚐盡出名的滋味後,體會那從心底俯衝直下的落寞感
You don't wanna ride the bus like this 你不會想搭上這班看似炫麗卻直直航向斷崖的列車
Never knowing who to trust like this 看向每個人的眼神都透著不信任
You don't wanna be stuck up on that stage singing 你不會想空虛的站在舞台上呆呆的唱著歌
Stuck up on that stage singing 被名為虛榮的野獸禁錮在此
All I know are sad songs, sad songs 我所知道的,只有悲傷的歌,那哭的傷痛欲絕的音符
Darling, all I know are sad songs, sad songs 親愛的,我所知道的,只有哀傷的歌,那痛的無以附加的旋律
I'm just a singer who already blew his shot 我只是一個早已被時代遺忘的老氣歌手
I get along with old timers 我的步伐漸緩,被新起的潮流所淹沒
'Cause my name's a reminder of a pop song people forgot 因為人們只有在聽到某首多年前的流行音樂才會模糊的想起我的名字
And I can't keep a girl, no 而我連那顆曾經擁有愛戀的心也被打碎
'Cause as soon as the sun comes up 因為每當朝日升起
I cut 'em all loose and work's my excuse 我就以工作為盾牌擋掉所有的不捨得
But the truth is I can't open up 但事實是我根本就沒有辦法打開心房
But you don't wanna be high like me 但你不會想變的和我一樣
Never really knowing why like me 真的不知道為什麼會想過著和我一樣的生活
You don't ever wanna step off that roller coaster and be all alone 你永遠不會想嚐盡出名的滋味後,體會那從心底俯衝直下的落寞感
You don't wanna ride the bus like this 你不會想搭上這班看似炫麗卻直直航向斷崖的列車
Never knowing who to trust like this 看向每個人的眼神都透著不信任
You don't wanna be stuck up on that stage singing 你不會想空虛的站在舞台上呆呆的唱著歌
Stuck up on that stage singing 被名為虛榮的野獸禁錮在此
All I know are sad songs, sad songs 我所知道的,只有悲傷的歌,那哭的傷痛欲絕的音符
Darling, all I know are sad songs, sad songs 親愛的,我所知道的,只有哀傷的歌,那痛的無以附加的旋律



