
  • 專輯:Corridor (Corridor)
  • 發行:2017-08-12
  • 演唱:balloon

Charles Manson's Birthday
by Otis Ball
from _I'll Love You Til I Don't_,
on Bar/None
It's Charles Manson's birthday, nobody's there
I tried to have a party - does anyone care?
A bag of balloons
A bucket of beer
One funny hat --
Nobody's here
(except me)
It's Charles Manson's birthday, so I sent a card
He doesn't have a lightbulb, but he can read it in the yard
What do you get for a
Psychotic guy
Who's stuck in prison
And can't get high?
Maybe next year I'll advertise in a college paper
If a girl shows up, we won't rape her
We'll hide the knives; we'll hide the gun
I sure hope Charlie still has fun
It's Charles Manson's birthday, no-one bought a gift
If I were Charlie Manson, well I'd be pretty miffed
None of the Beatles
None of the Stones
Sent him a letter
Or bothered to phone
Squeaky had a baby and its head popped off
Squeaky had a baby and its head popped off
Squeaky had a baby and its head popped off
Squeaky had a baby and its head popped off



