His Dream

  • 專輯:Asleep In The Bread Aisle
  • 發行:2009-01-01
  • 演唱:Asher Roth

He leans back from his desk
Rubs the back of his neck
The stress takes effect
Grips the bridge of his nose
Squints while showing emotions he normally won't
At 56,he re-evaluates
possible regretting some decisions that he's made.
Black is turning Grey patches of his age
Reflecting from the glasses that pass of every page
Passionately day reads
Reading on occasion
Dreaming of the day when he could do the same thing
He's always wanted to write
That's all hes wanted in life
With two daughters,a son,and a remarkable wife
He's in a bond
He has to provide
A family is relying on a milli to survive
His father died at 56
so he's well aware of how vital a father figure is
How big of a responsibility it is
To be a good husband and care for your kids
Never miss an evenin,
help them with their homework,
discipline to prevent things when their older
His only son is only 21
and focus as a poet has only just begun
Papa isn't dumb,he understands what this means
Hisdream is my dream and my dream is his dream
I close my eyes and i can see(history)
The sacrifices he made for me(history)
Who will decide for his family(history)
So ima keep it alive(yeah)
And so he targeted to be the dream guardian
Guarding it from anything and anyone who's harming it
But in his heart he knows the hardest thing is
giving up his dream and being all about his kids
As he kisses the lips of his misses
for 24 years going on the 25th
He thinks to himself this alone is a wealth
Better than anything that's bought and then sold on a shelf
Sometimes a dream is all that we have
We have to continue to dream
Once it is lost amongst our thoughts
What really are we? What are we?
I close my eyes and i can see(history)
The sacrifices he made for me(history)
Who will decide for his family(history)
So ima keep it alive(yeah)
So he sits back at his desk
Cracking his knuckles and back his neck
Faxing a paper displaying his name
on another application explaining the name
Things that they should know but the things they don't
All the things that distinguish him as an adult
Over the phone he can never expose
The roll that he choose
The roll in his home
And at home he is a leader, a father
He'll prove it by using his son and his daughters
In their life he'll be playing the part of the one who inspires
The one we admire
His only son is only 21
and focus as a poet has only just begun
Papa isn't dumb, he understands what this means
His dream is my dream and my dream is his dream
I close my eyes and i can see(history)
The sacrifices he made for me(history)
Who will decide for his family(history)
So ima keep it alive(yeah)



